Search Recipes
Name: Profession: Rarity:

Crafters with Tailoring:

Tailoring Recipes (294):
1 to 75
76 to 150
151 to 225
226 to 300
301 to 375
376 to 450
[Red Woolen Boots]

[Green Woolen Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh, Whanda, Nattfödd
[Blue Overalls]

[Heavy Woolen Cloak]

[Gray Woolen Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Nattfödd
[Greater Adept's Robe]

[Red Woolen Bag]

[Colorful Kilt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Malaktahar
[Reinforced Woolen Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Stylish Blue Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Nattfödd
[Stylish Green Shirt]

[Phoenix Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Whanda, Neval
[Phoenix Pants]

Crafters: Daekesh, Whanda, Nattfödd
[Bright Yellow Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Spider Silk Slippers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Nattfödd
[Azure Silk Gloves]

[Hands of Darkness]

Crafters: Daekesh, Nattfödd
[Robes of Arcana]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Truefaith Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Dark Silk Shirt]

[Enchanter's Cowl]

[Green Silk Armor]

[Shadow Hood]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Neval
[Azure Silk Cloak]

[Boots of the Enchanter]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Malaktahar
[Green Silk Pack]

[Crimson Silk Cloak]

[Spider Belt]

[Black Silk Pack]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Rich Purple Silk Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Azure Shoulders]

[Crimson Silk Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh, Nattfödd, Shannaro
[Green Holiday Shirt]

[Earthen Silk Belt]

[Icy Cloak]

[Star Belt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Black Swashbuckler's Shirt]

[Crimson Silk Robe]

[Red Mageweave Pants]

[Red Mageweave Vest]

[White Bandit Mask]

[Orange Martial Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Enchanted Mageweave Pouch]

[Red Mageweave Gloves]

[Lavender Mageweave Shirt]

[Red Mageweave Shoulders]

[Pink Mageweave Shirt]

[Admiral's Hat]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Red Mageweave Headband]

[Tuxedo Shirt]

[Shadoweave Mask]

[Haliscan Pantaloons]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Neval
[Tuxedo Pants]

[Dress Shoes]

Crafters: Daekesh, Neval
[Festival Dress]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Festive Red Pant Suit]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Green Winter Clothes]

[Haliscan Jacket]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Neval

[Red Winter Clothes]

[Tuxedo Jacket]

[White Wedding Dress]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Frostweave Robe]

[Cindercloth Vest]

[Soul Pouch]

[Runecloth Bag]

[Cindercloth Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Cloak of Fire]

[Cenarion Herb Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Cindercloth Cloak]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Enchanted Runecloth Bag]

[Felcloth Pants]

[Gordok Ogre Suit]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Felcloth Bag]

[Cindercloth Pants]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Robe of Winter Night]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Argent Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Malaktahar
[Mooncloth Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Mooncloth Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Wisdom of the Timbermaw]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Brightcloth Pants]

[Belt of the Archmage]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Core Felcloth Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Flarecore Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Flarecore Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Flarecore Mantle]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Flarecore Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Flarecore Wraps]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Glacial Cloak]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Glacial Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Glacial Vest]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Glacial Wrists]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Gloves of Spell Mastery]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Robe of the Archmage]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Robe of the Void]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Truefaith Vestments]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Argent Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Bloodvine Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Bloodvine Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Bloodvine Vest]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Bottomless Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Cloak of Warding]

Crafters: Delling, Shannaro
[Felcloth Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Gaea's Embrace]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Inferno Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Mantle of the Timbermaw]

[Mooncloth Circlet]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Mooncloth Gloves]

Crafters: Delling, Shannaro
[Mooncloth Robe]

[Mooncloth Shoulders]

[Mooncloth Vest]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Runed Stygian Belt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Runed Stygian Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Runed Stygian Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Malaktahar
[Sylvan Crown]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Sylvan Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Sylvan Vest]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Big Bag of Enchantment]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Mooncloth Bag]

[Satchel of Cenarius]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Bolt of Imbued Netherweave]

[Mystic Spellthread]

[Silver Spellthread]

Crafters: Delling, Thecurse
[Imbued Netherweave Pants]

[Bag of Jewels]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Neval, Shannaro
[Imbued Netherweave Bag]

[Netherweave Robe]

[Netherweave Tunic]

[Bolt of Soulcloth]

[Arcanoweave Bracers]

[Blackstrike Bracers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shardakan
[Bracers of Havok]

Crafters: Daekesh, Vorte
[Cloak of Arcane Evasion]

[Cloak of Eternity]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Thecurse
[Cloak of the Black Void]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shardakan
[Flameheart Bracers]

Crafters: Delling
[Imbued Netherweave Boots]

[Primal Mooncloth]



[Unyielding Bracers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Neval, Shannaro
[White Remedy Cape]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Neval
[Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders]

[Primal Mooncloth Belt]

Crafters: Delling
[Soulcloth Gloves]

[Spellfire Belt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Arcanoweave Boots]

[Flameheart Gloves]

Crafters: Delling
[Imbued Netherweave Robe]

[Imbued Netherweave Tunic]

[Frostwoven Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostwoven Wristwraps]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Black Belt of Knowledge]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Frozen Shadoweave Boots]

[Girdle of Ruination]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Hands of Eternal Light]

Crafters: Delling
[Manaweave Cloak]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Primal Mooncloth Shoulders]

Crafters: Delling
[Resolute Cape]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Robe of Eternal Light]

[Soulcloth Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Spellfire Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Sunfire Handwraps]

[Shadowcloth] x10
[Spellcloth] x10
[Sunmote] x6 (1500 each, 7 available)
[Sunfire Robe]

[Unyielding Girdle]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Vengeance Wrap]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Lifeblood Belt]

[Lifeblood Bracers]

[Lifeblood Leggings]

[Netherflame Belt]

[Netherflame Boots]

[Netherflame Robe]

[Arcanoweave Robe]

[Flameheart Vest]

[Bolt of Frostweave]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostweave Net]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostwoven Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostwoven Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Battlecast Hood]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling
[Battlecast Pants]

Crafters: Daekesh, Thecurse
[Belt of Blasting]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Belt of the Long Road]

Crafters: Delling
[Boots of Blasting]

[Boots of the Long Road]

Crafters: Delling
[Bracers of Nimble Thought]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro, Vdti
[Frozen Shadoweave Robe]

[Golden Spellthread]

Crafters: Delling, Thecurse
[Mantle of Nimble Thought]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Night's End]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Primal Mooncloth Robe]

Crafters: Delling
[Runic Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh, Neval, Shannaro
[Soulcloth Vest]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Soulguard Bracers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Soulguard Girdle]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Soulguard Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Soulguard Slippers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Delling, Shannaro
[Spellfire Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Spellstrike Hood]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro, Shardakan
[Spellstrike Pants]

[Swiftheal Mantle]

Crafters: Delling
[Swiftheal Wraps]

Crafters: Delling, Shannaro
[Whitemend Hood]

[Whitemend Pants]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Ebon Shadowbag]

[Mycah's Botanical Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh, Shannaro
[Primal Mooncloth Bag]

[Spellfire Bag]

[Frostwoven Belt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostwoven Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostwoven Cowl]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostwoven Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Cloak of the Moon]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Mystic Frostwoven Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Mystic Frostwoven Wristwraps]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Azure Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Blue Lumberjack Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Blue Workman's Shirt]

[Bolt of Imbued Frostweave]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Cloak of Frozen Spirits]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Darkglow Embroidery]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Belt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Boots]

[Green Lumberjack Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Green Workman's Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Lightweave Embroidery]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Mystic Frostwoven Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Red Lumberjack Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Red Workman's Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Rustic Workman's Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Shining Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Swordguard Embroidery]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Yellow Lumberjack Shirt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Cowl]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Master's Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Sanctified Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Wristwraps]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Flying Carpet]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Duskweave Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Black Duskweave Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Black Duskweave Wristwraps]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Belt]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Bracers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Brilliant Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Sapphire Spellthread]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Aurora Slippers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Black Duskweave Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Deep Frozen Cord]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Cowl]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Leggings]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostsavage Shoulders]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Frostweave Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Glacial Slippers]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Glacial Waistband]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Light Blessed Mittens]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Silky Iceshard Boots]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Deathchill Cloak]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Magnificent Flying Carpet]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo

Crafters: Daekesh
[Abyssal Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Emerald Bag]

Crafters: Dynamo
[Frostmoon Pants]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Glacial Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Hat of Wintry Doom]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Mysterious Bag]

[Glacial Bag]

Crafters: Daekesh
[Ebonweave Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Moonshroud Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Spellweave Gloves]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Cord of the White Dawn]

[Sash of Ancient Power]

[Savior's Slippers]

[Spellslinger's Slippers]

[Ebonweave Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Moonshroud Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo
[Spellweave Robe]

Crafters: Daekesh, Dynamo

Theme red-lt created by delling based on orange-lt by panic